
We offer many different surface treatment methods and several additional services that facilitate your work and streamline your logistics flow.

Surface treatments

See our Corrosion protection and decorative surface treatments.

More about our surface treatments

Additional services

See our comprehensive solutions that cover everything from assembly, warehousing and packing, to customer order-driven deliveries.

More about our additional services

Find the perfect finish for your needs

At Proton Finishing, we understand the challenge of choosing just the right finish. This is exactly is exactly where our expertise shines the brightest! We guide you through the jungle of options to find the finish that fulfils all the requirements and needs of your products and their applications.

Explore our processes by clicking on the images below and discover which of our units offer the surface treatments you are looking for.

Climate footprint in our quotes!

We want to lead the Swedish surface treatment industry into the future. That is why we are making an offensive investment in sustainability work. We have noticed an increased demand for insights into climate impact, and it fills us with both pride and joy to be able to include each article’s carbon footprint in our quotes.

As experts in surface treatment, we are in the middle of an exciting phase of development. But remember, this is just the start of our journey towards sustainability and our commitment to lead industry towards a more sustainable future.

Are you interested and want to read more about how we have calculated the carbon footprint? Click here for more information.

Our surface treatments

Alkaline zinc

Alkaline zinc is a coating with a wide range of applications. It is an …

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Zinc-Nickel (ZnNi) 12-15% – the coating for extreme applications …

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Acid Zink

Surzink is an electrolytic, inorganic, decorative anti-corrosion coating …

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EC coating

The coating that covers everything – together with zinc manganese …

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EC and Powder coating

Excellent corrosion protection for all types of environments

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Bonderite 30001 and Powder coating

Bonderite 30001 is a pre-treatment that is applied via spray process and aims …

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Metal prices 2024-25

Sep SEK/kg Oct SEK/kg Nov SEK/kg Dec SEK/kg Jan SEK/kg
Zinc 41,57 38,89 39,34 42,52 42,94
NICPL 6,28 5,85 5,85 5,85 4,75

Self Service

How do I choose the right finish?

We are happy to help you find the perfect coating for your needs. Through our self-service, you have the possibility to search on your own via standard or get answers to frequently asked questions from our customers.

Go to Self Service

Search surface treatment by standard

Here you can search for the most suitable surface treatment for your product based on standard.

Search by standard

Answers to common industry questions

För att bidra till att underlätta ditt arbete och sökande så mycket som möjligt har vi samlat våra svar på vanliga branschfrågor. Om du inte hittar svaret på din fråga är du alltid välkommen att kontakta oss.

Read questions & answers

Can’t find what you’re looking for or not sure?

Welcome to contact us to ask your questions and discuss which surface treatment fulfils your requirements and wishes.

Contact us and tell us more

Additional services

In addition to our surface treatment offer, you will find several additional services that make your work easier and streamline your logistics flow.

VWe listen to your needs and offer solutions ustomised to your needs. Among other things, we deliver end-to-end solutions covering everything from assembly, warehousing, packing and customer order-driven deliveries – tell us what you need and we’ll work to deliver the best solution.

We also offer services in the form of development support, technical support and various training programmes. In addition, we are happy to come out and lecture, talk about how we work with sustainability and our way forward. We hope that this inspires and makes it easier for more companies to find good ways for how they can get started or develop their sustainability work.

Contact us to find out more

Training and advice

We are happy to share our knowledge, experience and expertise in surface treatment to inspire and help your company to develop. Together we will design training and advice that best suits our needs. The training can be carried out on site with us, at your company or in connection with trade fairs and other events.

Assembly solutions

Our solutions enable direct deliveries to end customers or call-off of assembly components from your suppliers. We offer various additional services such as labelling and masking. The result is efficient component handling at a lower cost.


We pack your components and products in suitable packaging depending on the need for product protection and your packaging solutions. We can take care of the purchase and call-off for packaging, resulting in a smooth and cost-effective supply chain.

Direct deliveries

We want to create optimal logistics flows throughout the supply chain. That’s why we deliver the finished products both globally and locally directly to you or the end customer. This helps to shorten lead times while creating positive effects on both the environment and the economy.


The advantage of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) for you as a customer is primarily to be able to manage and automate orders in an efficient and secure way. It also reduces lead times, administration and sources of error.

Want to know more?

We’d be happy to tell you more about our surface treatments and how we can help you customise smart end-to-end solutions that streamline your work and logistics flow.

Contact us

Håkan Engdahl

Technical sales

Pierre Möller

Technical sales

Our production companies

Proton Finishing Eskilstuna

Proton Finishing Anderstorp Stansgatan 8

Proton Finishing Anderstorp Stansgatan 1

Proton Finishing Forsheda

Proton Finishing Hillerstorp

Proton Finishing Anderstorp
Grand Prixgatan